Monday, May 16, 2011

Catsup. Catchup. Ketchup.

Good Morning Everyone!  Shoo, been a wild month.  Let's go over some of the happenings real quick.

I turned 14
Osama Bin Laden was killed
People were way too happy about it
I got a Ukulele <3
I got a turntable <3
Mother's Day
I didn't see my Mom on Mother's Day
Shot Eowyn's CD Release party, on Mother's Day
Finished Velvet Elvis
Got "The Next Christians" by Gabe Lyons
Sketchers put out some reeaally stupid shoes.  You know what I'm talking about.
Made some new friends

And that's just a tad of all the happenings. Shoo.  There's been Drama, there's been Sadness, There's been happiness.
And there's been God.  Let's talk about yesterday, shall we?  It was absolutely amazing!
Wait, let's do Wednesday first.  Wednesday, Robert had a guest speaker come and talk.  I can't remember his name.... BUT, he's the Sports Chaplain for UT.  Great guy.  He talked for a while and it was all good, but towards the end he really said something cool.
Devote 1 Percent (%) of your day, to God.  Pray, read your bible, praise Him, whatever you want to do, in the presence of Him.  1%.  That's 14.4 minutes.  C'mon, you can do that.
I think it's a great goal to go off of.  1 percent!
Back to Sunday.  So.  I got up even earlier, and read I think 4 chapters of my Bible and listened to some good worship music.  Then it started off like any Sunday, show up early practice all that.  Then worship started. Wow.  My goodness God was in that room.  I really felt Him, it was amazing.  Jules was singing, and she was getting into it which made me smile as well.  Then the sermon came, and God just kept right on moving.  Joe kept making such great, timely points.  The second verse in the sermon I recognized vividly, it was in one of the chapters I'd read earlier.  Coincidences like that always make me smile.
Then he gets into the Parable of the soils, and I can tell it's gonna be great.  I'll do a real sermon view post later in the week.  Moving on...
Joe keeps making points and Jules and I are really clicking and looking at each other, we could see it in each other. 
Second point comes, and it fits perfectly with the 1 Percent goal.  "Allocate a time to listen" Boom.
We both noted 14.4 and high-fived each other. (Yea, that's how we roll)  And Joe keeps going and I'm really soaking it in and you could feel the room soaking it in.  Then his next point comes and it fits perfectly with something Jules and I were talking about just days before.

The point's verse is Luke 8:13, "The Rocky soil represents those who hear the message with joy.  But like young plants in such soil, their roots don't go very deep.  They believe for a while, but they wilt when the hot winds of testing blow"
Friday, Jules had the idea for Wednesday night, to put up four chairs.  It's been 5 months since Resurrection, and she thought it'd be great to see who's really stuck and changed.  Boom.  And Joe keeps going and it's absolutely great.  After service we talked about how we could feel God in the room.

So that's my lengthy wordy story of the week.  Have a story of one of those great Sundays? I'd love to read it!  But for now, I'm off to read the newspaper.  Have a good day everyone! 

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