Friday, April 8, 2011

Unplanned & Perfect

Good Morning!  I have to share my Yesterday with you.  Thursday evening, I went to Vienna (coffeehouse) for a few hours to read while dad was at meetings.  Now lets jump around a little bit.  A while back, on the other, not as cool blog, I posted about Strangers with Fire.  I'll repost here later.  But in that post I included something I'd overheard at Vienna.
"7 Layer Burritos, Xbox, Sex with my wife, all these things are great, but Jesus is a thousand times better than all these combined"
I love that.  But anywho. I had heard that from what seemed to be a bible study.  That's about it, I didn't have the courage to investigate.
Now we jump back to Last Night.

Last night I was just about to start reading, when I heard some dude talking about a Bible.  It being Thursday night, the same night of the week as that other bible study, my ears perked.  After that, I hear some college kids talking about Ichthus.  Ears=Perked.  I was texting Sissy, and told her about it and reminded her of that quote and she pretty much made me go talk to someone.  So I did.  Kinda nervously shaking cause that's just how I roll.  I talked to a guy named Adam.  I told him I overheard talk of Ichthus, and I asked if he was a Christian blah blah, then if he had a Bible Study going on.  He said yes and introduced me to the leader, Ash.  Great dude.  They welcomed me in and the next thing I knew I was part of a Bible Study.  How Cool Is That?!

They didn't ask me who I was or why I was there, they asked my first name and said pull up a chair.  I did.
We discussed the Second half of Romans 15.  Turns out they're a few weeks away from finishing a Two Year Study on Romans. Wow.  They were all amazing, Committed, 1st Chair for Life Jesus Freaks.
We spent a hard 90 Minutes discussing that Passage and Church Planting.  COOL.
So afterwords, I talked to Ash and he gave me a way to contact him and said feel free to come back next week.  Guess what I'm doing Next Week.

So there's my story.  This is what I'm talking about!  Don't stay in your shell.  Step outside the comfort zone and see what happens.  Hear someone talking about the Bible? Tell them you overheard and are interested.  Go outside your Clique of friends and talk to some strangers.  If all goes well that's what I'm doing tonight.  In a Bible Study? Invite a stranger in.  Make a family of Believers.

That's what's up.  I'd love your thoughts, questions or stories of your own.
Need Prayer? Let me know.

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